The Educational support program is geared towards donating school supplies, providing scholarships, creating internship opportunities and promoting the creative arts industry in Ghana through an alliance with Barbados.

The importance of education cannot be overemphasized. Most importantly, it develops knowledge, critical thinking skills, mental agility, and problem-solving skills towards good decision-making. Quality education equips people with the above skills to solve problems in society and make rational and informed decisions when faced with challenges in their personal and professional lives.


We donate study materials and support the construction of school structures and renovations. Some schools lack exercise books that would enable students to take notes and refer to them later. They instead use make-shift writing boards that can be erased to make way for the recording of new information, which is ineffective in retaining information and improving academic performance. Thus, the provision of educational supplies such as notebooks and writing materials would help curtail this problem.


In November 2021, the foundation developed a scholarship scheme to empower 50 senior high school graduates who excel in their studies but do not have the funding to continue with their education.

The cost of education should make it accessible to all children/young people. The government of Ghana introduced the Free, Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) in 1992 and it was first implemented in 2005. This was aimed at making Basic Education free for all Ghanaian children in public schools, among other goals. However, students have to cater for other costs other than tuition/school fees. In high schools, the Free SHS Program was also introduced by the government of Ghana in 2017 to make secondary education accessible by removing the cost of tuition/school fees in public secondary schools. The school feeding program also caters for lunch for each student in basic school and high school. However, the unavailability of funds has affected the quality of these services.

The only level where students are expected to pay for tuition expenses is the university. Students from poor backgrounds struggle to afford tuition fees and some parents find it difficult to support their child’s education. Money should not be the reason why the future leaders of a country are inadequately equipped in their education to handle the challenges faced in Ghana and the continent of Africa. KJM Foundation, therefore, seeks to sponsor brilliant but needy students to further their tertiary education and contribute substantially to development in the region.


  • Our educational support program seeks to address SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities.
  • To provide students with an opportunity to earn an education.
  • Increase student interest in learning because they would have the right learning materials that make studies easier and more meaningful.
  • Increase student retention due to effective ways of storing information.
  • Improve academic performance.
  • Address SDG 4 – Quality education


Degrees alone are no longer enough to help secure a job. Internships are a good way for candidates to stand out in the job market. They not only give students an opportunity to explore their career development options but they also get to learn new skills. Students get the opportunity to network and build professional skills before they graduate. The Foundation, therefore, aims at providing internship opportunities for students within the Foundation and providing internship opportunities with other organisations.


Address SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth


The foundation aims at promoting the creative arts industry in Ghana through a partnership with COSCAP Foundation in Barbados. The partnership has three goals; to promote skill development, promote networking and creative collaboration and creation of works for commercialization. Internship activities are aimed at Practical Skills Development for emerging Ghanaian Music Creators and Music Industry Business Development over an estimated 5-month period with a combination of practical, online and in-studio training.


  • The partnership seeks to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all in alignment with SDG 8.
  • The partnership seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation in alignment with SDG 9.