Address SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation. Our target communities fetch water from unsafe streams of water where animals drink from the same source. One of many examples of this situation was a recent community in the Eastern Region called Miawani. The animals defecated in the same water source and this caused serious health implications to the community. Thankfully, they now have a clean water source due to the support of donors and partners of KJM Foundation in providing a borehole.

Address SDG 3 – Good health and well-being. The benefit of access to clean water and sanitation leads to a reduction in health hazards associated with water-related problems and diseases in the target communities.

Address SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities and SDG 4 –Quality education. Providing a borehole will reduce the time spent by girls, women and children walking far distances to fetch water in unsafe conditions.  It reduces women's workload in fetching water, as they will get time to engage in other activities. For instance, some women attend evening classes to learn new skills, especially for micro-enterprises, they would have more time for studies and for their Small and Medium Enterprises.


Education goes beyond Infrastructural edifice. While most people can agree that education is a good thing, impoverished regions face a challenge in supplying basic school supplies to their children.